Willis Reiland

Willis Reiland

Friendly social media buff. Total internet junkie. Freelance tv junkie. General music geek. Professional food evangelist.

42 Articles Written
Where are the most star wars fans?

Where are the most star wars fans?

That's according to Google Trends, at least. Over the past week, Utahns Googled more Star Wars than people in any other...

What is the most famous star wars movie?

What is the most famous star wars movie?

For an intergalactic space opera, Star Wars can sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic, so the amount of time Rogue One...

Who is the most popular star wars character?

Who is the most popular star wars character?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby...

What is the most loved star wars movie?

What is the most loved star wars movie?

With A New Hope planting the seeds of the franchise, Empire flourishes in an exciting and surprisingly dark way. Ignore...

How do you become a star wars super fan?

How do you become a star wars super fan?

Memorize iconic lines from movies. A true Star Wars fan has some phrases memorized up his sleeve for him to learn when...

Is star wars the most iconic movie?

Is star wars the most iconic movie?

The Star Wars saga is the most iconic film franchise of all time. Everyone knows what Star Wars is.

Who is the evilest star wars character?

Who is the evilest star wars character?

Darth Caedus, whose real name was Jacen Solo, son of Han and Leia, became Lord Sith in the 40th DBY during the initial...

What state is star wars most popular?

What state is star wars most popular?

The first place goes to Utah as the state most obsessed with Star Wars. That's according to Google Trends, at least.

Who is the most underrated star wars character?

Who is the most underrated star wars character?

Will you ever get the recognition you deserve? Like so many other members of the franchise, Lando Calrissian's personal...

Who is the most popular star wars villain?

Who is the most popular star wars villain?

He represented the franchise itself and stole the original trilogy through its lines and iconic breathing. Vader was a...

Who is the least known star wars character?

Who is the least known star wars character?

Garindan ezz Zavor (also known as Long Snoot). These are 50 Star Wars movie characters who may not have spent much time...

Who is the scariest star wars villain?

Who is the scariest star wars villain?

Not only is Darth Vader the best and scariest villain in Star Wars, but he's in a completely different league. There is...

Who is the coolest star wars villain?

Who is the coolest star wars villain?

Inspired by Sherlock Holmes and legendary military strategists such as Alexander the Great, Grand Admiral Thrawn is the...

What state is star wars in?

What state is star wars in?

As shown in the animated series Star Wars Rebels and The Bad Batch, the Empire explores ways to weapon Force-sensitive...

Who was the best star wars villain?

Who was the best star wars villain?

Inspired by Sherlock Holmes and legendary military strategists such as Alexander the Great, Grand Admiral Thrawn is the...

Who is the darkest character in star wars?

Who is the darkest character in star wars?

In many ways, Darth Sidious is actually more sinister than his puppet Lord Vader. The Emperor of the Galactic Empire, the ...

Who is the most loved character in star wars?

Who is the most loved character in star wars?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby...

What is the fan favourite star wars movie?

What is the fan favourite star wars movie?

For an intergalactic space opera, Star Wars can sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic, so the amount of time Rogue One...

Which star wars is most successful?

Which star wars is most successful?

To what extent the film was successful (episode IX in the official narrative) will be debated from now until the end of...

Who is everyone's favorite star wars character?

Who is everyone's favorite star wars character?

Darth Vader, a fallen Jedi, is by far the most popular character in Star Wars. Darth Vader, the main antagonist of the...

Which is bigger star wars or marvel?

Which is bigger star wars or marvel?

The highest-grossing movie franchise of all time is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The two highest-grossing franchises,...

Is star wars the most popular movie ever?

Is star wars the most popular movie ever?

The adjusted gross revenues of the Star Wars movies make the first disappointments seem much more impressive, and recent...

What do you call a star wars fan?

What do you call a star wars fan?

OP wants to put a label on Star Wars fans, as Star Trek fans call them trekies. Star Wars fans.

Who is the coolest star wars character?

Who is the coolest star wars character?

Pedro Pascal plays the Mandalorian in the hit series Disney+. Anakin built C-3PO, a protocol droid, to help his mother.

How popular is star wars in america?

How popular is star wars in america?

Traditionally, movies have performed well at the North American box office. Dollars in box office revenue and, so far,...

Who is the most popular star wars jedi?

Who is the most popular star wars jedi?

A shrewd strategist with a firm understanding of what it means to represent the Order, Koon is one of Yoda's closest...

What star wars movie is the most popular?

What star wars movie is the most popular?

For an intergalactic space opera, Star Wars can sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic, so the amount of time Rogue One...

Is star wars the best selling movie?

Is star wars the best selling movie?

The adjusted gross revenues of the Star Wars movies make the first disappointments seem much more impressive, and recent...

Who is the most loved star wars villain?

Who is the most loved star wars villain?

He represented the franchise itself and stole the original trilogy through its lines and iconic breathing. 2 days ago.

Who is the most loved star wars character?

Who is the most loved star wars character?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby...

Who is the number one star wars fan?

Who is the number one star wars fan?

Steve Sansweet, 70, is one of the most famous in the world. Venable has been addicted to collecting Star Wars memorabilia ...

Who is the most iconic star wars character?

Who is the most iconic star wars character?

Harrison Ford's Han Solo, who inspired countless imitators after the release of A New Hope in 1977, instantly became one...

Is star wars one of the most successful franchise?

Is star wars one of the most successful franchise?

The rise of blockbuster The Star Wars Universe is not only one of the most popular film franchises in film history, but...

Why star wars is so iconic?

Why star wars is so iconic?

Star Wars radically changed the aesthetics and narratives of Hollywood movies, changing the focus of movies made in...

Which star wars is the best star wars?

Which star wars is the best star wars?

However, what really makes Episode IX difficult to watch is its lack of commitment to the events of The Last Jedi, so we...

Who is voted the best star wars character?

Who is voted the best star wars character?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby...

Where do the most star wars fans live?

Where do the most star wars fans live?

The first place goes to Utah as the state most obsessed with Star Wars. That's according to Google Trends, at least.

How popular is star wars worldwide?

How popular is star wars worldwide?

Created by George Lucas, the sci-fi saga quickly became one of the highest-grossing film franchises in the world and...

How popular is star wars outside of the us?

How popular is star wars outside of the us?

George Lucas' space opera is a cornerstone of the modern film industry and a worldwide cultural phenomenon. In the U.S.

What is the correct order of watching the star wars movies?

What is the correct order of watching the star wars movies?

Instead of following the order of release, you can also test the chronological order according to when the movies will be ...

What should star wars fans watch?

What should star wars fans watch?

The Rey order proposed by Vanity Fair is inspired by the order of machetes and focuses on Rey rather than Luke. We...