Who is voted the best star wars character?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby Yoda”. Grogu's childhood innocence and potential as a Jedi have made him very interesting and adorable in equal measure, and fans haven't finished following the boy's adventures. Chewbacca is by no means an unpopular character in Star Wars, even though he has mostly played supporting roles. As Han Solo's sidekick, Chewie has been the former's constant companion, to the point where he was there to witness Han in his final moments.

There is no doubt that R2-D2 is everyone's favorite Star Wars droid, and the character shares with C-3PO the honor of being in every movie in the Skywalker saga. R2-D2 is more of a pet than anything else, which is why it has such a large fanbase. The public largely views R2-D2 as representing the peculiar universe that is supposed to be Star Wars. In addition, the droid can fit into any backdrop of the story and make sense, since its function is to be next to the heroes with the intention of providing some kind of necessary information.

Rarely has a new character been so successful, but Din Djarin is proof that Star Wars can shine very well under the Disney flag. The Mandalorian is an excellent example of a tough character with a huge heart, as he is Grogue's protector, in addition to his role as a bounty hunter. Han Solo, the coolest protagonist of the series, is Harrison's most iconic character, and he remains an antihero throughout his story that fans loved. He was the dishonest and unorthodox hero who balanced Luke's attitude by the rules, and the series perfected this duo in a big way.

Choosing the best Star Wars characters for this list was very complicated. The Star Wars universe has given us some of the biggest stars in space itself and the most instantly recognizable characters in history. Obi-Wan Kenobi is the oldest statesman in the Star Wars universe, he teaches Luke the path of the Force and is fundamental to everything good about the Rebel Alliance. He sacrificed his life for the good of the good, and his wise advice helps Luke destroy the Death Star.

In his youth, he was also a badass, something we saw in the television series Obi-Wan Kenobi, starring Ewan McGregor. The iconic design of the oldest Jedi master and Luke Skywalker's small and faithful trainer was created by legendary film makeup artist Stuart Freeborn. He based it on a mix of Albert Einstein's face and his own. Yoda may be a small, green guy, but look up at an image of Freeborn and you'll see that the resemblance is amazing.

Han Solo's faithful co-pilot was actually based on George Lucas's dog, a huge Alaskan Malamute named Indiana. Apparently, she sat in the front passenger seat when Lucas was driving and people mistook her for a person. R2-D2 is a stalwart of the Star Wars franchise. It was the ship that was entrusted with the Death Star plans, which led to the destruction of the thing.

He's a skilled spaceship mechanic and fighter pilot assistant and basically the best robber in the world (sorry, BB-. He has also had to endure the C-3P0 in all the Star Wars movies and, for that, he deserves a medal. The Mandalorian hasn't been in Star Wars that long, but he's already established himself as a classic character. This is due to the Jon Favreau series, which touches all of our Star Wars buttons.

Mando is played by Pedro Pascal and is a bounty hunter whose job is to protect Baby Yoda. It's monosyllabic at times, but we love everything about it. We're going to have more Mandalorian, with a third season in the works. Yes, we know that he is not actually called Baby Yoda, but even though we now know his real name (Grogu), he will always be Baby Yoda for us.

Grogu, the cutest thing in the Star Wars universe who can be forgiven for causing genocide by eating Lady Frog's eggs, is a fantastic addition to Star Wars. Lando is the coolest character in the Star Wars universe. Originally played by Billy Dee Williams (reprised the role in Episode IX) and effortlessly played by Donald Glover in the underappreciated Solo spin-off, the character is a scoundrel (like Han Solo) who just wants to fend for himself, sells the Star Wars equipment to Darth Vader, but ultimately helps save the galaxy. However, he does it with a great cape, so everything is fine.

Jabba The Hut is a grotesque crime lord whose role in Star Wars is intrinsically related to Han Solo in Star Wars. He only owed money to Hutt, so he sends Boba Fett to search for him and capture him, which he does, in carbon. Although he first appeared in Jedi, part of George Lucas' changes in the original trilogy meant that we also saw him in A New Hope. Star Wars has a habit of casting hardcore British actors, so it was fantastic to see Christopher Lee as Count Dooku.

What wasn't so fantastic was that he appeared in one of the worst Star Wars movies (luckily, he also appeared in Revenge of the Sith). Fortunately, his seriousness and acting threat were perfect for the former Jedi Master who trained with Master Yoda and, in fact, trained Qui-Gon Jinn. The Dark Side, turned into the son of General Leia and Han Solo, formerly known as Ben Solo, is a villain we can't help but love. He's a terrifying and cruel character, but he's also vulnerable and human.

One such human defect is being prone to tantrums; you'd be forgiven for thinking he was a teenager for that reason, but he's actually older. In a tweet since then, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group confirmed that he was between 29 and 30 years old. The hero, formerly known as First Order Storm Trooper FN-2187, offers a large part of the public the starting point of the most recent trilogy. He gets involved in a situation and all of this instantly overwhelms him.

Let's be honest, we would all be honest, too, if we had abandoned our Storm Trooper day jobs and became entangled with the Resistance. It also brings a lot of humor. Boyega explained: “During the auditions, I discovered that my niche for this character was definitely humor and fear. Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett and the pop culture phenomenon Grogu or, as they have called him, Baby Yoda are just some of the iconic figures in the sci-fi franchise.

From movies to live-action series, the Star Wars universe is full of heroes, villains, and droids. Keep reading to see our list of the 25 best Star Wars characters. Sheev Palpatine turned out to be the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. It was Palpatine who led Anakin Skywalker to the dark side and saved him after his fight with Obi-Wan in Mustafar.

He also issued Order 66 to kill all the Jedi. It looked like Vader had killed Darth Sidious in Return of the Jedi, but he returned for The Rise of Skywalker. Palpatine fought his granddaughter, Rey, at the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. Jackson played Jedi Master Mace Windu in the prequels.

Mace Windu was part of the Jedi Council with Master Yoda. Jackson's character was responsible for killing Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones. Mace detected a plot to destroy the Jedi in Episode III. Before he was about to hit Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin cut off Mace's arm.

Sidious then threw the Jedi with a Force bolt out the window. The adorable astromechanical droid belonged to Poe Dameron. BB-8 had an important clue about the location of Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens. It was in Jakku, where the First Order captured Poe, that BB-8 met Rey.

Grogu captured the hearts of Star Wars fans when he first appeared on Disney+'s The Mandalorian. At the end of the second season, Grogu, who has been dubbed Baby Yoda, left with Luke Skywalker. Anakin built C-3PO, a protocol droid, to help his mother. In The Rise of Skywalker, C3-Po helped the Resistance locate the planet Exegol.

Chewbacca, also known as Chewie, is a Wookiee. Chewie, who was Han's co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon, appeared in the original trilogy and in the sequel. Yoda was a Jedi master full of wise quotes. Luke sought out the Jedi Master to train him.

However, Yoda felt a lot of anger at Luke, like his father. Obi-Wan urged Yoda to train him. While Luke left without completing his training, he returned in Return of the Jedi. Before his death, Yoda informed Luke that he didn't need any additional training, but that he had to face his father, Vader, before becoming a Jedi.

It also revealed that there was another Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker was a former slave on Tatooine, who grew up to become Darth Vader. Luke and Leia's father was believed to be the chosen one. Anakin, whose Midiclordan count was higher than Master Yoda's, was drawn to the dark side in the prequel trilogy, although his wife Padmé believed there was still something good in him.

Darth Vader is the main antagonist of the first three original Star Wars movies and the main protagonist of the Star Wars prequel trilogy under his original name Anakin Skywalker. He had been trained as a Jedi, but deserted to the Sith Lord and Galactic Chancellor Palpatine. This character from Star Wars adopted the name Darth Vader and put on a suit after his legs were cut off and his body burned after a fight with his former teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar. Before protecting Luke for years and being killed by Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the greatest heroes of the Clone Wars until he and the Jedi were betrayed by his talented apprentice and best friend.

He's better known as the other half of an iconic mechanical pairing with Threepio, and that's all right. But one of the best friendships in “Star Wars” is between Luke Skywalker and Artoo, a duo that remained united from the Sands of Tatooine to the swamps of Dagobah. Perhaps the most egregious failure in the history of “Star Wars” was that Chewbacca did not receive a service medal after the Battle of Yavin. And don't even go there calling him a “buddy”: Han Solo's furry best friend is the most loyal of all the Rebels' trades and he also has an affinity for the Porgs.

And we've updated the list to include the characters from The Last Jedi and Solo. In reality, no definitive ranking would be complete without the Resistance fighters, the Cloud Riders, and the interstellar scoundrels of those movies. Let the discussions begin about why Lobot ranked above Oola. And may the force always be with you.

Although he is believed to have been killed in Return of the Jedi, he appeared in the Disney+ series The Mandalorian and is the star of The Book of Boba Fett. Poe Dameron was the most enthusiastic character in the latest Star Wars movies, made in the manner of Han Solo, starting as part of Kijimi's Spice Runners, then became a pilot of New Republic and, finally, General. It's hard to find unpopular opinions about Grogu in Star Wars, especially since there's nothing this kid doesn't like. The bad thing is mythical and timeless, but it is the vast universe that created the saga, full of alien races and strange technology, that has undoubtedly brought people back to enter the farthest corners of the Star Wars worlds.

Since there are thousands of votes cast for every available option, there is no doubt that those that have been chosen are by unanimous choice of Star Wars fans. Still, from his horns and tattoos to the double-bladed lightsaber, this Star Wars character's bad-boy attitude is hard to beat. . .