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Is star wars the most popular movie ever?

The adjusted gross revenues of the Star Wars movies make the first disappointments seem much more impressive, and recent...

Who is the most underrated star wars character?

Will you ever get the recognition you deserve? Like so many other members of the franchise, Lando Calrissian's personal...

Who is the most popular star wars character?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby...

Who is the scariest star wars villain?

Not only is Darth Vader the best and scariest villain in Star Wars, but he's in a completely different league. There is...

Is star wars one of the most successful franchise?

The rise of blockbuster The Star Wars Universe is not only one of the most popular film franchises in film history, but...

Where do the most star wars fans live?

The first place goes to Utah as the state most obsessed with Star Wars. That's according to Google Trends, at least.

Who is the darkest character in star wars?

In many ways, Darth Sidious is actually more sinister than his puppet Lord Vader. The Emperor of the Galactic Empire, the ...

Which star wars is the best star wars?

However, what really makes Episode IX difficult to watch is its lack of commitment to the events of The Last Jedi, so we...

Editors Picks

Who is voted the best star wars character?

Who is voted the best star wars character?

Fans fell in love with Grogu the moment he made his first appearance, with the character initially dubbed “Baby...

What star wars movie is the most popular?

What star wars movie is the most popular?

For an intergalactic space opera, Star Wars can sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic, so the amount of time Rogue One...

Who is the evilest star wars character?

Who is the evilest star wars character?

Darth Caedus, whose real name was Jacen Solo, son of Han and Leia, became Lord Sith in the 40th DBY during the initial...

Who is the most iconic star wars character?

Who is the most iconic star wars character?

Harrison Ford's Han Solo, who inspired countless imitators after the release of A New Hope in 1977, instantly became one...

What is the correct order of watching the star wars movies?

What is the correct order of watching the star wars movies?

Instead of following the order of release, you can also test the chronological order according to when the movies will be ...

How do you become a star wars super fan?

How do you become a star wars super fan?

Memorize iconic lines from movies. A true Star Wars fan has some phrases memorized up his sleeve for him to learn when...